If you were to buy a car tomorrow, which brand would you buy?
If you actually buy a car tomorrow, the brand you just thought of has an advantage over others.
Because you already know that brand.
I help SaaS companies attract leads, users, and MRR with strategic written content
If you were to buy a car tomorrow, which brand would you buy?
If you actually buy a car tomorrow, the brand you just thought of has an advantage over others.
Because you already know that brand.
You can barely go a day without hearing about AI in content.
And that’s because of a single reason:
AI has disrupted content marketing.
Every day, thousands of SEOs go into their Ahrefs account to research keywords, track search rankings, and improve search marketing efforts.
On their own, Ahrefs features can convince any SEO that using the tool is the only right decision.
No brand ever gets to the peak of content quality.
Every day, brands take step after step to push their content quality a bit higher.
And your SaaS brand must always be on this journey too.
Engaging content is a buzzword in marketing.
Many people claim they create it, but only a few actually do. And the few who create it hook their audience like magic.
You’ve heard that creating topic clusters beats targeting individual keywords.
And you’re ready to create topic clusters that rank for hundreds of keywords.
But are topic clusters worth all the hype?
At least 70% of the posts I’ve written for clients and this blog are long-form content.
This translates to hundreds of long-form blog posts.
Some of them were bad, some good, and some great.
Think about the first time you visited a particular blog.
You just clicked through a headline on Google search results or LinkedIn.
Because, even though you’ve never visited this site, the headline promised to solve a problem.
You’ve heard how a SaaS blog can turn total strangers into loyal customers.
And because of that, you’ve put a lot of effort into writing and publishing content you think your ideal audience will love.
But there’s a problem.
You need interactive demo software to create demos that can fuel interest in your product at the early stage of the buyer’s journey.
And that’s where Supademo comes in.
But how well do Supademo’s features help you create interactive demos?
SaaS webinars can remove the doubt between your prospects and the sale.
You can show your product’s real-life use cases and interact with prospects who are seriously considering signing up for your product.
But how do you run SaaS webinars that hit these goals?
Since every business invests in it, SaaS content marketing has gotten fiercely competitive.
How do you stand out when you’re competing with people who understand the nitty-gritty of content marketing?
It will take a lot of effort and attention to the little details.
Asking how much it costs to hire a writer is like asking how much it costs to buy a car.
There’s no simple answer.
You’ve spent thousands of hours developing a product you believe users will love.
You’re confident users will send love letters your way, to appreciate your genius in building this product. Thank you, Milord, for blessing us mere mortals with this magnificent offering.
But there’s a problem.
Finding an excellent writer is a huge step in creating content that engages and converts your audience.
According to the Semrush content marketing report, 66% of very successful content marketers have more than four specialists in their content team.
However, finding a specialist writer who fits your business like a glove is exhausting.
Having a SaaS content strategy isn’t a shortcut to writing a 3,000-word guide in 30 minutes.
And it won’t get you to rank number 1 for your main product keywords tomorrow.
So, what can a SaaS content strategy help you achieve?