Marketing and MarTech content for brands that Want More leads and customers

Hi, I’m Samuel.

Want marketing and MarTech content optimized to satisfy your ideal audience, climb to Google’s first page, and achieve your content goals?

I write simple and practical content that feeds your audience helpful information at each stage of the buyer’s journey. And drive them to the next stage.

In simple terms, I can help you attract visitors and convince them to sign up for your product instead of competitors’.  

I’ve written for marketing and MARTECH websites like:

underperforming content Means Money Spent With No Customers to Show for it

Underperforming content means one thing: your content marketing effort is failing.

Your results from content marketing are far away from your expectations. All the weeks and thousands of dollars spent on creating content pieces now look like a waste.

You think of all the potential buyers who visited your website, clicked the back button, and forgot all about your business in 10 minutes.

You think of all the revenue and profit that walked out the door, right to your competitors.

Never to return.

How much have you lost to competitors in the past 6 months?

If this trend continues, how much will you lose to them in the next 6 months?

Your product is not getting the attention it deserves from buyers.

Do you take a megaphone to Times Square and scream about your next-level product?

Well, that’s one way to go about it.

Another way is to create content that attracts and shows buyers how your product will help them. In other words, present your product’s compelling stories and let prospects convince themselves.

I can help with that. 

As an experienced freelance marketing and SaaS writer, I can start a long-lasting relationship with your buyers by fueling their desires with content.

I can achieve this through: 

These marketing and SaaS content writing services will help you:

Get targeted organic traffic

I use SEO best practices to create content that satisfies search intent and ranks on the first page.

Generate warm leads

I create memorable and helpful content that compels visitors to know more about your product.

Become an in-demand expert

I write helpful and actionable content that positions you as an authority on your blog and other industry websites.

Boost your revenue

I write great content that builds trustworthy relationships. People who trust and like you have higher chances of buying subscription plans.

What Should you expect if I write your marketing and MarTech content?

Content is king. Your content should rule in the minds of your audience.

If I write content for you, expect:

Blog posts

Blog posts provide information potential buyers are looking for. In return, you can build relationships with them and convert them to paying users.

Guest posts

With guest posts, you can take advantage of bigger audiences on top marketing websites. You can build your authority as an expert and brand awareness for your product.

Product pages

Product pages explain the features, benefits, and pricing of your product to buyers.

How much is content worth
to your business?

How much are your content pages worth to your business?

$100? $500? $1,000? $10,000?

Let’s do some quick math.

Say one of your important blog posts converts one customer every month. And an average customer subscribes to a $50-per-month plan for a year.

This blog post will convert 12 customers and generate $7,200 in revenue. All in a year.

And you can have 5 to 10 similar pages on your website.

The beauty is that these pages can exist for years. And the most strenuous work you’ll do is update them with new information once a year.

Your content pages can be worth a lot.

For instance, Buffer’s co-founder, Leo Widrich, got 100,000 users to Buffer through 150 guest posts in 9 months.

A little digging will uncover more examples of strategic content marketing like HubSpot, Hootsuite, and Ahrefs.

If you want results like these, you have to invest in strategic content that gets results.

According to the 2023 Semrush content marketing report, 66% of very successful content marketers have more than four specialists in their content team.

I can be the SaaS content writing specialist in your team.

I’ve written for: 

  • Marketing agencies 
  • SaaS companies
  • Marketing consultants

I helped them connect with their audience, rank on Google’s first page, and convert visitors into customers.

But beyond that, I’ve achieved these results for this small blog (with a domain authority (DA) of 12). 

I can work hard to get your content to rank on Google’s first page for your target keywords.
Is this a guarantee that every post I write for you will rank on Google’s first page?
Anyone who promises that just wants to take your money and run. Because many factors affect search rankings.

But I can guarantee you that I’ll:

I’ve learned to do this through years of practice, reading marketing content, and completing courses like the HubSpot content marketing course.
In simple terms, I’ll put your content in the best position possible to outrank your competitors on the Google search results pages.

How can I work in your team?

Be a writer in your team

I can work as part of your content marketing team. You’ll provide the target keywords and content briefs. I’ll:

Be a content strategist

In this case, I’ll take on more duties than writing. I’ll:

About me

Hi, I’m Samuel Olumide.

10 years ago, as a student, I took an interest in writing stories.

I was inspired by Jeffrey Archer’s fast-paced novels.

This interest resulted in a few short stories about Kofo, a serially unserious university graduate. A man struggling to secure a profitable job but could never resist the lure of women.

I also started a news blog.

Today, I write content to help marketing and SaaS companies generate leads and customers.

I’m a fan of Jon Morrow, a remarkable marketing storyteller. He challenges me to write better marketing content and pursue life goals no matter the obstacles.

As a freelance marketing and MarTech writer, I wake up every day trying to achieve two things:

  • Become a better writer than I was yesterday.
  • Help my clients achieve their SaaS content goals.

Welcome to my blog today.

Are you ready to create content that makes your product irresistible to buyers?

Who I work with

Marketing agencies

I write for marketing agencies that need an expert writer in the marketing and SaaS niche. Marketing agencies hire me to create result-oriented content for their clients.

SaaS companies

I help SaaS companies (especially in the marketing niche) create content to get ahead of tough competitors in the race to win paying users. They hire me for more brand awareness, leads, and customers.

Review sites

I review SaaS tools for marketing websites. Affiliate marketers hire me to write practical SaaS product reviews.

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